1937 Beer Jacket
Beer Jacket 1937 Rear

Credit: Nora Odendahl *85 and John Wriedt '85. Permissive license.
Chore coat in off-white cotton twill with stenciled decoration.
The design depicts the Nassau Inn (known to students as “The Nass”) being moved from Nassau Street to Palmer Square in a wheel barrow made of a diploma, a deflated football and a dumbbell representing the dumbest class. The chevron in the shield forms the “A” in “NASS.” The class numerals make up the figure. The design also incorporates a milk bottle, alluding to President Harold Dodds’s efforts to reduce beer drinking at football games.
Beer Jacket 1937 Stencil

Credit: John Wriedt '85. Permissive license.
Beer Jacket 1937 Front

Credit: Nora Odendahl *85 and John Wriedt '85. Permissive license.
Credit: John Wriedt '85